Google is freaking me out

Google is Freaking Me Out

Last week Google acquired Skybox, a satellite imaging company. This is hot on the heels of acquiring Titan Aerospace – a drone company, Boston Dynamics – a robot company that had military contracts at the time of acquisition, and Deepmind – an artificial intelligence company with technology so powerful they forced Google to setup an ethics board …

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Tesla wraps shrewdness in altruism

Tesla wraps shrewdness in altruism

I have a little more cynical take on Tesla’s announcement. I think it’s a play to get other auto makers reliant on Tesla’s infrastructure as a way to:
1. Give them scale to build charging stations and batteries
2. Make electric cars more compatible so they can grow the pie of electric cars vs gas cars (rising tide lifts all boats)

The car business is a scrappy zero sum fight. Tesla is in the gas station business. Or the electric car equivalent: batteries and charging stations

A shrewd move, not an altruistic one.

Apple Has Turned Evil

Apple has turned evil

You need only scroll through news of the last few weeks for evidence that Apple has turned evil. The once-doomed computer maker that cowered in Microsoft’s shadow has spent the last two years seeking to squash smaller rivals with a flurry of patent lawsuits. Apple, please see reason – it’s not necessary to sully your good name by unleashing an army of lawyers. Your products are a more powerful assault on competitors than your legal wrath could ever be.

Windows Glass – Microsoft’s Problem Isn’t Innovation

Windows is Microsoft's Innovation Problem

This last week Google announced a really exciting look into the future called Project Glass. Naturally, Google debuted it with a YouTube video that enticed you with the possibilities, but they did more than that. This wasn’t some futuristic video meant to inspire people to build interesting products, this wasn’t just a prototype one researcher …

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Ignoring the Introvert – Why even tech companies get it wrong

Introverts have fantastic ideas

There is a certain meeting that is a staple at many tech companies – the user experience design review. It typically involves a designer or product manager presenting the design for a feature while managers, engineers and anyone with a suitable weapon proceed to beat the unfortunate presenter for an hour. The other day I …

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GoDaddy Supports SOPA–Learn How to Transfer Your Domain and Save the Internet

GoDaddy and Sopa want to spy on you

It was with some shock that I awoke today to discover the one of the most used domain registrars supports SOPA. For those of you who aren’t aware, SOPA is a piece of legislation currently under consideration by the US congress that would effectively destroy innovation on the Internet. Google, Facebook, Mozilla, Yahoo!, Twitter, LinkedIn, …

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